What shipping options are available at ?

We provide complimentary overnight delivery via FedEx or USPS within the United States. Additionally, we offer free shipping to select international destinations. For further details on our shipping policies, Please refer to our Delivery Terms.

How long will it take for my order to get shipped?

Styles with the Express Delivery label are shipped the next day. Outlet styles are dispatched within 4 weeks. All other styles are shipped within 5 business days.

Will I be charged sales tax on my purchase?

Yes, you will be responsible for any sales, use, duty, or other governmental taxes or fees ("Taxes") applicable to your purchase from We will collect these Taxes if we are required to do so. An estimate of the Taxes will be provided at checkout, unless we have explicitly stated that the price includes Taxes. Please note, the actual taxes charged may vary from the estimate shown at checkout due to several factors.

Will my purchase arrive gift-wrapped?

Yes, purchases from arrive in a jewelry box or a jewelry pouch together with a guarantee card.

Can I Include a personalized gift message with my purchase?

Yes, you can include a personalized message with your
purchase. Just send your request when placing your order or email to

What If I need extra help or advice about my purchase?

For additional help or advice in choosing your jewelry, contact Hueb's brand manager at
or call +1 (646) 7573578 or call +1 (212) 7764960.

Is all Hueb merchandise available for purchase Online?

Our website offers a wide selection of Hueb collections. If a specific model, color, or size is not available online or you
would like to modify any style, please contact Hueb's brand manager at
or call +1 (646) 7573578 or call +1 (212) 7764960.

Is in-store pickup available for Items purchased on

Yes, it is available to collect at 22W 48TH ST,SUITE 304 NEW YORK,NY 10036.

Is your 18K white gold rhodium plated?

All of our white gold jewelry is rhodium plated to guarantee that its pure white color lasts longer.

Is your 18Kt white gold nickel free?

Our jewelry complies with European nickel regulations.

How can I track an order I placed on

You can track your order using the FedEx tracking number by visiting the FedEx website. If you need further assistance, please contact our Brand Manager at or call +1 (646) 7573578 or call +1 (212) 7764960.

Do other websites or stores sell authentic, new Hueb merchandise?

To ensure you are purchasing authentic Hueb jewelry, please buy directly from or through our verified partners. Click here to search your nearest authorized Hueb location.

How can I make returns or exchanges?

Returns and exchanges for jewelry purchased from are accepted within 30 days of purchase, provided you have proof of purchase, and the items are in perfect condition (without any scratches or signs of wear). Please note that resized or personalized items cannot be returned or exchanged. For in-store purchases, kindly get in touch with the store directly where you made your purchase. If you need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our Brand Manager at or call us at +1(646) 7573578 or +1(212) 7764960. For more detailed information on the process, please refer to our Terms of Sale.

Are prices on subject to change?

Yes, prices on are subject to change.

What payment methods are accepted on

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and Diners Club debit and credit cards for your convenience. Additionally, you can also use popular digital wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Shop Pay, and Shop Pay Installments, which offer flexible payment term options.


Will there be any secondary verification after my payment is processed?

In most cases, there won't be any secondary verification required. However, to safeguard against fraudulent transactions, there may be instances where one of our Brand Managers reaches out to you for additional documentary proof. Rest assured, any such communication will be conducted with utmost confidentiality.

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Store Locator

Hueb Jewelry is available with the prestigious luxury retailers like SAKS, Neiman Marcus, & Bloomingdales spread across the USA and Canada

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